Picture: This picture well describes the article because of what happened in the article. It shows an oil spill and what it would look like if it reached a water supply. Even though the oil company declined that the water supply was affected the people working at the water system want the oil pipe away from the water supply.
Summary: Basically, A major water supplier in Arkansas asked Exxon Mobil Corp. to move its pipeline away from a drinking water source after oil spilled from the pipeline last month into a neighborhood. After this happened the people in the neighbor hood got upset and complained to the oil company. So the water company then asked the oil company, Exxon to move the oil pipe away from the drinking water supply. Then Exxon replied with a response saying that the oil spill from the pipe did not affect the water supply at all. After all of this happened the water company then asked the oil company, Exxon to better monitor the oil pipeline and to have more people on duty.So in response the oil company replaced the broken part of the pipe and started testing it just recently.
Opinion/Reflection: I think that the oil company should move the oil pipe more away from the water supply. If the oil pipeline is anywhere near affecting my drinking water I would be furious because I would not want my water to be contaminated just because of another oil spill. Even though the oil company is trying to fix the pipeline I personally think that they should move the pipeline. The oil company should agree with this proposal by the water company because just in case the oil pipeline has another spill.
1) What is your opinion on this event that happened just recently?
2) Do you think that the oil company should agree to this proposal by the water company? Explain.
3) How would you feel like if your neighborhood got flooded with oil? Explain.
4) Do you think this will ever happen to this area again? Explain.
1.What is your opinion on this event that happened just recently?
ReplyDeleteI agree with the people in the neighborhood and the water company. Although, it was an accident for the pipe to break, it would be scary to think what might happen if the oil gets into the water system.
2.Do you think that the oil company should agree to this proposal by the water company? Explain.
Yes because not only would it be safer for the water, it would be good for the oil company. Right now the neighborhood people are probably mad with the oil company and scared that their water might be unsafe. By moving locations away from the water, it would reassure the people that this won’t happen again, and the people will be happy with the oil company for being accommodating.
3.How would you feel like if your neighborhood got flooded with oil? Explain.
I would mad and scared. I would be mad because I feel it is the oil company’s jobs to make sure floods like that do not happen, and since it did spill, they were not doing their job. Also, I would be scared because if the oil gets into the water, that could be really harmful to drink.
Personal Opinion:
ReplyDeleteFrom my personal opinion, I believe that Exxon, although they are fixing the pipeline, should at least keep the pipes, and the oil, away from the water because obviously water and oil won't mix, and if there are any contaminates in the oil, it would surely contaminate the water. From what we have learned in class, any contaminates in the oil that get into our water supply must be removed from the water, or otherwise would result in us having contaminated drinking water. I'd be shocked if anyone would even drink that kind of water, but odds are it won't likely occur. Exxon is doing their best to fix the pipeline that caused the oil spill, but I agree with the original poster: Moving the pipeline away from the water just in case another oil spill occurs.
Thought Questions:
1. Using what we have leaned so far in class, do you think Exxon should simply move the pipe away from the water supply? Why or why not?
2. Based on what happened last month, how do you think people are reacting to the oil spill? How would react if an oil spill like this got into our water supply and into your drinking water?
3. Do you believe that the faulty pipeline is to be blamed for this event? Explain why or why not.
Alison Sider is an emergy reporter at Dow Jones Newswires and has been for almost a year. She graduated from the University of Chicago with a degree in Economics and Comparative Liturature in 20009. Ms. Sider previously worked as a reporter for the Arkansas-Democrat Gazett for 2 years and 10 months.
ReplyDeleteMy Email:
Dear Alison Sider,
Hi! My name is Jillian Yagoda and I am a current 9th grader from Pennsylvania. An assignment for my Environmental Science class was to create a blog with a small group of people about the current problems that our environment faces. The person who wrote this blog post used your article about Exxon's drinking pipeline. I know that you are very busy, but it would be extremely benificial to me and my class if you could comment on our blog with your opinion or any aditional information you would like to share. I will leave the link to the blog below. Thank you so much for your time, and I hope to hear from you soon!
Jillian Yagoda
Blog Post:
New Article: http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/wireStory/years-oil-spill-cleanup-study-carries-19001201#.UX8FxY57Rso
ReplyDeleteThis article expands on the topic of oil spills. A lot of people associate oil spills with some fish dying, or contaminating drinking water, but this article shows so many more effects these spills have on the environment. It is really eye-opening to see how many lasting consequences oil spills can have, even years later. This is a great article for anyone looking to find out more on the topic of oil spills.